April - 04/01/2011 TO 04/30/2011
For all of the areas you can reach here (except for the main blog) the new schedule format will hopefully go this way - unless material is not available from the author. Each blog site features a different author each month!

Week 1 - Authors tell us how the events in their lives encouraged them to be writers!

Week 2 - Authors answer some fun questions about their lives - geared toward different aspects of each month!

Week 3 - Authors answer questions about their writing and the process

Week 4 - Authors present a blurb and excerpt of whatever book(s) they are promoting that month!

Sci-Fi Video of the Moment
Cosmic Castaway by Electrasy


Sleep Chamber from Alien

Science Fiction Lovers!

This section is for you. Besides Romance and YA novels, I happen to love hard core science fiction.

While the features of this site won't be updated as regularly as the main blog, I will try to post new material on a monthly basis.

Be sure to check out the other non-romance facets:

I plan to start with some of the following movies and TV:


Where the Wild Things Are

Saw VI

V - The new series vs. The original series